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Список форумовЗнакомство, Любовь
vash vybor,gospoda?Very\ Happy
Вс, Сен 14, 2003 01:33pm b-b - 7553 d back

направо -- "Получишь то, что захочешь, но не удержишь";
налево -- "Удержишь то, что получишь, но не захочешь";
прямо -- "Захочешь то, что удержишь, но не получишь".
... Показать пропущенные сообщения (46) ...
Вт, Сен 16, 2003 08:34pm Мария - 7550 d back

издеваетесь?.. тока мне дуться в интернете не хватало...

а в одеяло завернулась, потому что спать охота было Smile

тему создавать не буду, всё равно её сведут к флуду или хамству. жалко будет Smile
Вт, Сен 16, 2003 08:50pm b-b - 7550 d back

uderzat' i ne poluchit':
naprimer,xotela cheloveka,a poluchila shtamp v pasporte.derzish?derzish...a on poka s toboi ,dumaet o kom-to eshe...poluchila?da nifiga...
i tvoe,vrode,i vovse ne tvoe...
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 11:05am Мария - 7550 d back

(привязывая крылья) тогда мне вверх...

(напевает) скоро рассвет, выхода нет, ключ поверни - и по-ле-те-ли...

Very\ Happy Very\ Happy Very\ Happy
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 11:47am mal - 7550 d back

b-b, xorosho skazanoSmile
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 12:31pm Ne mistaken - 7550 d back

Na samom dele vybiraet devushka, muzhchina lish obstavlyaet eyo zhelanie. Malen'kii nepisanyi zakon. (ius non skriptum), esli ya ne mistaken.
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 12:32pm K Marii - 7550 d back

A-na, eto shto za figli-migli. Razvyazivaisya davai.
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 01:14pm ChudoFan - 7550 d back

Mariya esli tam Splin pet' budet to nam po puti Smile
I voobshe ya predpochitayu pesnyu Zhizha "Edu Edu Edu ya" i "Na dvoih" -- te kto znayut poimut chto ya imeyu v vidu.

A voobshe kuda idti nevazhno -- vazhno ot kogo. "Zakroi za mnoi dver' ya uhazhu"
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 01:18pm Elle - 7550 d back

Посиделки с друзьями, Mимолётный роман.
Не выбрасывай, мама, мои чемодан.

А мне нравится:
Так откуда ж ты, Скво?
Гляди, ещё не рассvело.
А я уже позабыл, что есть на свете Дороги.
Он заглянул ей в лицо.
Потом с тоской огляделся
И оторвал себе ноги.
А был рождён, чтобы бежать...
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 06:34pm Мaрия - 7549 d back

К Мaрии,
пoзднo, я уже в пoлёте... ух, хoрoшo-тo кaк, мaмa дoрoгaя, рoди меня oбрaтнo...

(прoтягивaя пaкет с зaпaсными крыльями)
Сплин будет...
Ср, Сен 17, 2003 07:26pm b-b - 7549 d back

chudo,a po-moemu,ot kogo,kak raz i nevazno,raz vse ravno uxodish...
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 12:19pm ChudoFan - 7549 d back

Da, uhozhu, no zato: "Vozvrashayutsya vse, krome luchshih druzei, krome samih lyubimih i predanih zhenshin, vozvrashayutsya vse, krome teh kto nuzhnei, ya ne veryu sut'be ya neveryu sut'be a sebe eshe men'she"
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 12:24pm ChudoFan - 7549 d back

Mariya, pAsibki.
"Ona ne vishla zamuzh za hramogo Evreya ona ne vishla zamuzh za sedogo Araba eyo ne prel'shali ni Chicago ni Berlin ni Hanoi -- ona hotela kazhdiy vecher vozvrashatsya domoi.."
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 12:28pm Мария - 7549 d back

дайте крылья - я улечу,
будет больно - я промолчу,
будет страшно - не закричу.
я уже от тебя ничего не хочу...
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 01:40pm zluka - 7549 d back

"Оставляя годы позади,
Оставайся той же, как и есть,
Что случилось нам не изменить,
Остаётся ждать и петь."(c) ... или пить?... Very\ Happy
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 02:44pm Мария - 7548 d back

"Оставайся той же, как и есть"

если бы я следовала этому правилу - серая лабораторная мышь была бы жива до сих пор Smile

никогда не жалейте о том, что случилось,
иль о том, что случиться не может уже,
лишь бы озеро вашей души не мутилось
да надежды, как птицы, парили в душе...
(с) Дементьев
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 02:58pm zluka - 7548 d back

Мария, "Оставайся той же, как и есть" ... немного другой контекст... внешность можешь менять, хоть каждый день. Smile
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 02:59pm Gem - 7548 d back

злю, Мария, а вот хороший вопрос - почему многие считаеют предметом особой гордости то, что они остаются такими, какие они есть? Всегда ли это благо, а тем более - предмет для вознесения на пьедестал?
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 03:00pm Gem - 7548 d back

злю, "серая мышь" - это состояние души. Сама такой была когда-то SmileSmileSmile
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 03:07pm Мария - 7548 d back

Gem, по моим прикидкам, в 5% случаев это - благо. в 95% кроме вреда ничего не приносит... а на пьедестал там и вообще часто нечего возносить. "скромность украшает девушку" - "угу, это когда нет других украшений" (с) из кыно Smile так и тут. когда больше гордиться нечем, гордятся тем, что за 10 (20, 30, 40, 50, 100 - нужное подчеркнуть) ни капли не изменились. я понимаю, что в 40 лет выглядеть на 25 - это классно, но это ж не означает, что человек не изменился. скорее наоборот...

злюка, Gem права: серая мышь - это всё-таки состояние души. пока внутри не изменишься - менять что-то снаружи смысла нет. как была мышью - так ею и останешься...
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 03:20pm zluka - 7548 d back

Мария, Джем, никаких предметов гордости. Просто если речь идет, о взрослых людях, а я думаю, что эта фраза (тепрь уже полностью вырванная из контекста Wink ) именно их и подразумевала, то они впринципе и не меняются. Они преспосабливаются к обстоятельствам.Smile И... нет, определения "взрослый человек" я дать не могу, так как это далеко не всегда определяется возростом.Smile
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 03:25pm Gem - 7548 d back

злюка, если человек не изменился за десять лет (к примеру), это означает, что весь десятилетний опыт просвистел мимо. И речь совсем не о приспособлении.
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 03:43pm zluka - 7548 d back

Джем, смотря что понимать под словом "изменился"...

Возврашаясь к началу, ключевая фраза была "Что случилось нам не изменить"... всё остальное "из песни слов не выкинешь". Smile
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 04:35pm ChudoFan - 7548 d back

AIzvenite sho ne po smislu no, russkuyu luchshuyu balerinu uvolili iz Bol'shogo Teatra za to chto .. ona bila visokaya i tolstaya.
Ona na litso koshechka i 5'6" - 110lb --- vo zazhralis' gadi, tudi ih v kachel'.Smile V Gameriku ih vseh. Blin prosto slov net -- odni emotsii Smile
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 06:43pm [Аноним] - 7548 d back

chudo, na samom dele ves ne prichem, politics.
Ona pop baleina, vustupaet chasto odna, imeet sladkih papochek, druzey iz golivuda i.t.d.
Ona im prosoto nadoela.
Ulanova bula ne huden'koy.
Чт, Сен 18, 2003 10:49pm Iskatel' - 7548 d back

Anonim: Otkuda takie poznaniya o Volchkovoj? Balerina ona klassnaya, dostatochno odin raz ejo uvidet', chtoby ne zdavat' glupih voprosov. No ya baldeyu ot togo, chto pochti 10 let ona byla normalnaya, a pozavchera vdrug stala "tolstaya".

A to, chto ejo, kak pisali, yakoby nikto podnyat ne mozhet - tak eto potomu chto muzhiki v Bolshom oslabeli - v zadnice tolsche chem v plechah Very\ Happy
Пт, Сен 19, 2003 07:01am F - 7548 d back

A zdes' ulanovu obsuzhdayut? Cho za neuvazhenie k teme, postoyanno lyudei tyanet ot kursa otklonit'sya?
Пт, Сен 19, 2003 10:03am Iskatel' - 7548 d back

F "Vsjo v mire vzaimosvyazano" V. I. Lenin

A Ulanovu (tochnee, Volchkovu) stali obsuzhdat', potomu chto len' otdel'nuyu temu zavodit' Wink
Сб, Сен 20, 2003 08:11pm [Аноним] - 7546 d back

Iskatel' iz New York Times

Bolshoi Decides It's Over Before 'Fat' Lady Dances
New York Times

MOSCOW, Sept. 16 — One of Russia's best-known ballerinas and post-Communist celebrities was fired today by the Bolshoi Theater after a war of insults over whether she was fit for a pas de deux.

Theater officials are charging the ballerina, Anastasia Volochkova, with one of ballet's deadly sins: they say she has become too fat.

"She is heavy for a ballerina; she is hard to lift," Katerina Novikova, the theater's spokeswoman, said in an interview on Monday.

Ms. Volochkova, 27, spoke of mysterious forces working against her — she wouldn't identify them — and also said theater administrators, working on behalf of those forces, did not like her and had plotted to push her out. She says she is in top form, weighing in at 109 pounds and following a strict diet.

"I don't eat ice cream now," said Ms. Volochkova, who once told a Russian interviewer that she "adores" it. "I eat spinach leaves and vegetables."

"This is a planned conspiracy against me," she said of the dispute, which has enthralled the Russian press and has involved security guards, a missing dance partner and publicity machines working overtime. Today, after her dismissal, she and her lawyer said they would sue the Bolshoi over her contract, which expired on June 30. The Bolshoi offered an extension to Dec. 31, but she demanded a year's extension.

The Russian press has been reporting that the blonde ballerina, who has the looks of a fashion model and behaves like a star, is nearly 6 feet tall, making her even more unwieldy. Ms. Volochkova said she is 5 feet 7 inches. "She is a modern young woman; she wears heels," her publicist, Gela Naminova, said, explaining the discrepancy.

The charges have flown so fast and furiously that Ms. Volochkova, after much negotiation, agreed to have her height measured today by The New York Times. She is, in fact, 5 feet 6 inches tall. "The situation with the Bolshoi is not about height or weight," she said, a chic pink scarf wrapped around her neck, and on the verge of tears. "Height and weight are not the test of a great ballerina."

Although she has her fervent fans, her detractors among critics and the public consider her an outsider at the Bolshoi who influenced the theater's administration with the financial support she attracted to the company from her admirers. She was, for instance, loudly booed last year inside the Bolshoi Theater when she won a top prize at an international ballet competition.

Among Ms. Volochkova's recent supporters in Moscow has been Suleiman Kerimov, an executive with a major oil company, Nafta-Moskva. Recently, corporate sponsors for her solo performances have included companies like Gazprom, the natural gas monopoly. She has also been accused of difficult, divalike behavior and has attracted publicity for her close friendships with powerful men, including the actor Jim Carrey.

"It's not just her physiological state," said Ms. Novikova, the Bolshoi spokeswoman. "It's her character as well. She has her own dressing room. She is not greatly respected. Not one other soloist is in the dressing room with her." Ms. Volochkova denied that there was a character problem and said she had repeatedly asked to share space with other soloists.

Commenting on the firing today, Ms. Novikova said that there was no standard weight for ballerinas but that Ms. Volochkova "is bigger than others." She said one problem was a question of skill.

"Someone can weigh 66 pounds and jump badly and be hard to pick up," she said. "Another person can weigh a lot, but her technique makes her easier to lift."

Ms. Novikova said on Monday that all of the Bolshoi's male dancers except Nikolai Tsiskaridze had refused to dance with Ms. Volochkova and that he agreed to partner her in "Raymonda" only because there are few high lifts.

"Ballerinas dance en pointe so even a 5-foot-9-inch ballerina looks tall next to me," said Mr. Tsiskaridze, who is 6 feet tall. "It's always attractive when a male dancer is bigger than a woman. I told Anastasia we wouldn't look good together dancing `Giselle.' "

Larissa Abyzova, a dance critic who teaches at the Vaganova Academy in St. Petersburg, said, "Ballerinas are getting taller," rattling off a list. She allowed that only petite ballerinas can dance some parts and said it was increasingly difficult to create traditionally proportioned duets, but she said Ms. Volochkova had no problems with size at the Kirov, where she danced in the 1990's.

"I can only say that Moscow male dancers are bad at duets," she said. "Here she danced with everyone, no one was hurt and no one refused."

Some press accounts reported that Bolshoi officials had said Ms. Volochkova's partner, Yevgeny Ivanchenko, was hospitalized for treatment of injuries sustained while dancing with her. Ms. Novikova, the Bolshoi spokeswoman, said he had quit the troupe for health reasons but said she did not know where he is or how to reach him.

Ms. Volochkova trained at the Vaganova Academy and began her career with the Kirov Ballet. She was first invited to join the Bolshoi in 1998 by the director, Vladimir Vasilyev, with whom she had a falling out, then she returned at the request of Yuri Grigorovich, for his staging of "Swan Lake" in 2001.

Ms. Volochkova has made a name for herself outside of the Bolshoi, staging solo performances that have led many critics to label her a pop star rather than a classical ballerina, but she says she wants to experiment in dance and that many of her performances are for charity.

Ms. Volochkova has performed in the United States with both the Kirov Ballet and the Bolshoi since 1995 to good reviews.

The current dispute unfolded when she was scheduled to perform "Swan Lake" on Sept. 5. She said she was informed by phone on the the night before that she had been replaced.

On the night of the performance, she joined a group of fans standing outside the theater holding placards bearing her name. She said many of the fans were rounded up in a bus and some were hit by Bolshoi security guards as riot police officers looked on. A Bolshoi spokewsoman said nothing improper had occurred.

"It turns out the Bolshoi's security guards are not there to protect from terrorists, but from fans," Ms. Volochkova said.
Сб, Сен 20, 2003 08:36pm Iskatel' - 7546 d back

Anonim: Anonimchik, spasibo teeb bol'shoe, no ya let skolko-to nazad nauchilsya sam chitat' i po russki i po anglijski Wink I Grigirivicha vygonyali iz Bol'shogo za razval, no pochemu to potom brali snova, da i Pliseckuyu pytalis' vygnat' mnogo raz, no kto-to sverhu ne pozvolyal ... Bol'shoj vsjo bolshe v otstojnik prevraschaetsya Sad
Вс, Сен 21, 2003 06:40pm Forest - 7545 d back

A vot eshe odna:

Chem men`she zenshinu mi bolshe, tem men`she bolshe ona nam.
Zadumavshis`, vot tak zisn` i proxodit...
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