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Чт, Сен 3, 2015 12:11am [Аноним] - 3160 d back

В общежитиях многих университетов этой страны сейчас есть целые этажи для секс-меньшинств, трансгендеров, геев и т.п. Я вот только одного не понимаю - откуда их вдруг стало так много? С какой такой радости? Во всем виновата пропаганда, вседозволенность и подмена понятий. Мне вот просто интересно - а в Африке, например, много трансгендеров? Дело в том, что люди там в большинстве случаев борятся за выживание, и им не до глупостей. А в Европе и Америке уже зажрались и не знают что еще придумать - напридумывали множество полов. Природа создала 2 пола - мужской и женский. Или есть член, или его нет, черт побери!!! Остальное всё в голове. А в голову это заносится теми, кому выгодно пропагандировать различные сексуальные отклонения, называть их нормой. Пытаются уменьшить количество населения таким образом. Зато Африка, Индия и Китай успешно размножаются и плевать на всех хотели. А местные дурачки ловятся на удочку и обьявляют себя различными секс-меньшинствами. Ужас.
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Чт, Сен 3, 2015 08:40am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Естественный отбор, дружок. Про теорию Дарвина слыхали? Выживает сильнейший. Если вы успешны то недостатка в сексе у вас не будет. Менее успешные но все ще компетативные особи находят пути к размножению непрямыми связями. Все же остальные "пацаны кто хотят ипаца" как вы сказали - осадок эволюции. Будут они гомосексуалистами, или не будут - не важно для истории человечества.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 08:43am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Опять ети латентные пидорги, со своими проблемами. Выйдите уже Из клазета наконец или застрелитесь нахер, если такие трусы, но прекратите уже постать сдесь свою пидарскую херь. Остое6енело, в конце концов. Ето ваши проблемы, не тащите их в жизнь нормальную людей. Есть в конце концов сайты, для вас, где с вами будут рады обсудить *етажи для трансгендеров*. Сдесь ето никому, не интересно. У людей есть проблемы поважнее. Мы не собираемся обсуждать здесь ваши фобии.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 08:57am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

а для пацанов тоже не важны ваши дарвинские теории, главное чтобы они осознали что такие пидоры как вы им мешают, и заставляют отсасывать у гомосеков, вобщем и при случае они отдубасят вас бейсбольной битой.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 08:57am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Сколько злобы на каких-то вымышленных пидаров которые так сильно портят вам жизнь. Какая вам цена как мужчине если какие-то далекие гомосексуалисты с тоненькими ручками способны так сильно испортить вам существование? Именно что никакая. И это главная и единственная причина почему вы и есть те "пацаны кто хотят ипаца" но кому женщины не дают.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 08:57am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

мы обсуждаем не ваши фобии а реальные спец привилегии для пидоров
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 08:59am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

ну дык и вы женщина сидите в своей пидорской жопе и не мешайте нормальным пацанам
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:05am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Бедненькие, все им мешают, и правительство, и пидоры, и посты на сайте. Уши вам спать не мешают? Smile Вот такие слабачки и дряхлики и создают видимость того что нормальных мужчин нет.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:17am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Дорогие гомосеки. Я мать. И прошу вас просьбой оставить наших детей в покое.
Перестаньте трахать наших детей в мозг.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:22am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Дороргая мать. Если вашего дети можно трахнуть прямо в мозг дистанционно через интернет, то это не достижение каких-то гомосексуалистов, а недостаток вашего воспитания и ваше фиаско как матери. Настоящего мужчину невозможно трахнуть.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:31am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Я мать. И скажу шо не знаю как но на Майдане ети гомосеки трахнули в мозг 40 мильенив народу человеков.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:44am Дед - 3159 d back

Rolling\ Eyes Застегни ширинку *мать*, а то когда ты про гомосеков пишеш она у тебя автоматически разьезжаеца
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:46am Дед - 3159 d back

Какая вам цена как мужчине если какие-то далекие гомосексуалисты с тоненькими ручками способны так сильно испортить вам существование? (ц)

Да никакие они не мущины. Зборище латентных пидаров, каторые думают што если они будут кричать на всех углах за гомосеков, то сами каким то чудесным образом начнут интересоваца женщинами.
Трусливые мази. Да у тех же открытых гомов, в 100 раз больше смелости чем у вас. Они хотябы самим себе не врут, не говоря уже об окружающих.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 10:38am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

<<от такие слабачки и дряхлики и создают видимость того что нормальных мужчин нет.>>
ну да нет их, в Америце по крайней мере, т.е. мужчины здесь себя не уважают и позволяют безработным неграм, тёткам и пидорам рулить.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 11:25am Дед - 3159 d back

Ты тоже себя не уважаеш?
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 11:52am [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Информация от тех, кто был в том здании и все видел.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 12:07pm Дед - 3159 d back

В каком здании?
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 02:08pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

говноед 100% педр
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 02:22pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Легко проверить на сайтах самих университетов.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 02:39pm Дед - 3159 d back

Ну если так лехко, то давай, пости сюда ссылки. Я например ничево не нашол
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 04:25pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 04:30pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Colleges and Universities that Provide Gender-Inclusive Housing

197 Colleges and Universities Have Gender-Inclusive Housing
(housing in which students can have a roommate of any gender).


Arizona State University: available on four ASU campuses; students are typically housed based on their academic school, college major, or class year; open to all students

Northern Arizona University (2012)

University of Arizona: “Social Justice Wing” that comprises seven double rooms; open to all students


Hendrix College (2011): not open to first-year students; available in double occupancy apartments


California Institute of Technology

California State University, Long Beach: available in one of the residential colleges

Harvey Mudd College (2009): generally not open to first-year students; available to all returning students and available throughout campus

Humboldt State University (2007): the “Rainbow Community” is open to all students; on one floor of a residence hall

Occidental College (2009): generally not open to first-year students

Pitzer College (2007): open to all students; available throughout campus

San Diego State University: open to all students

San Francisco State University: available primarily in a housing area that contains single-person restroom and shower facilities

Sonoma State University: open to all students in an apartment-style complex

Stanford University (2008): generally not open to first-year students; available in a variety of doubles, suites, and apartments throughout campus

University of California, Berkeley (2008): available in “Unity House,” an LGBTQ-themed residence hall community

University of California, Davis: available in “Rainbow House” (an LGBTQ-themed community) and elsewhere in campus housing

University of California, Irvine (2009): available in “Open House” (gender-inclusive housing) and in “Spectrum House” (an LGBTQ-themed community)

University of California, Merced: offered in suite-style housing; requires a statement of interest

University of California, Riverside (2005): open to all students; located in one residence hall; priority is given to students who indicate that they require accommodations based on their gender identity or expression

University of California, San Diego: available in seven apartment-style halls; not open to first-year students

University of California, Santa Barbara: available in two parts of campus; open to all students

University of California, Santa Cruz (2009): available in suites and apartments

University of Southern California: available as part of “Rainbow Floor” (an LGBTQ-themed community); open to all students


Colorado College (2004): open to all students

Fort Lewis College (2013): available throughout campus in suites and apartment-style housing; open to all students

University of Northern Colorado: available campus-wide; open to all students


Connecticut College (2009): available in all residence halls; open to all students

Southern Connecticut State University: open to LGBTQ students

University of Connecticut (2007): available in five six-person suites; open to all students

Wesleyan University (2003): offer gender-inclusive housing throughout campus and in “Open House” (LGBTQ-themed community)

Yale University (2010): open only to juniors and seniors, who can enter a room draw


Eckerd College: available in two houses

Ringling College of Art and Design (2013): available in one residence hall that consists of single-occupant rooms and includes a gender-inclusive bathroom on each floor

Stetson University: available in several residence halls

University of North Florida (2015): available in the “Gender Inclusive Housing Experience”; open to all students


Emory University (2011): available in two-bedroom apartments; open only to juniors and seniors

Kennesaw State University (2012): apartment-style housing; open to all students


University of Hawai’i: open to all students


Lake Forest College (2009): not open to first-year students; available in halls across campus; requires meeting with Res Life staff member

Northwestern University (2010): generally not open to first-year students; available in two residence halls

Roosevelt University: available as part of the “Gender and Diversity Inclusion Community”

School of the Art Institute of Chicago: available in doubles and triples throughout campus; not open to first-year students

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale: available in the nine rooms of the “Campus Pride Living Learning Community”; open to all students

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (2011): open only to upper-class students; available in one residence hall and an apartment-style building

University of Chicago (2009): generally not open to first-year students; available throughout campus

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: available in several halls; open to all students

University of Illinois, Springfield: not open to first-year students


Indiana University: available in three halls with two- and four-person suites; not open to first-year students

Purdue University (2015): available in suites in one residence hall; not open to first-year students


Cornell College: available in a number of residence halls; not open to first-year students

Grinnell College (2007): available throughout campus; open to all students

Simpson College: available in several halls, theme houses, and apartments; open to all students


University of Louisville (2012): apartment style-living with the theme of celebrating LGBT identity and social justice


Bates College (2012): available throughout campus; not open to first-year students

Bowdoin College (2010): not open to first-year students

Colby College (2011): not open to first-year students

Maine College of Art: open to all students in four-person apartments and two-room suites

University of Maine, Farmington: available on the floor of a residence hall

University of Maine, Machias: available on the floor of a residence hall

University of Southern Maine (2004): open to all students; available in two upper-class residence halls and on the “Rainbow Floor” (LGBTQ-themed community)


Goucher College (2010): available in two residence halls; not open to first-year students

Johns Hopkins University (2014): available in all non-first year residence halls; not open to first-year students

St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2013): open to all students in specific apartments, suites, and townhouses

Townson University: open to all students

University of Maryland, Baltimore County: generally not open to first-year students; available in apartment-style housing

University of Maryland, College Park (2008): available in public-private partnership housing and on a case-by-case basis in residence halls


Amherst College (2012): available in all residence halls

Boston University (2013): not open to first-year students; available in a number of residence halls

Brandeis University: not open to first-year students; available in a number of residence halls

Clark University (2007): not open to first-year students; available in all mixed-gender halls

Emerson College (2010): generally not open to first-year students; available in suite-style housing

Hampshire College (1970): available in housing that is not single rooms (almost all housing is singles); open to all students; also have a “Queer” housing community

Harvard University (2008): six gender-inclusive houses; open to all student who identify as trans

Lasell College: available on a floor of one hall

Massachusetts College of Art and Design (2014): open to all students

Mount Ida College: available in suites in one residence hall

Northeastern University (2008): available in apartment-style housing; open to all students

Salem State University: open to all students; available in several residence halls

Tufts University: not open to first-year students; available in different halls and as part of “Rainbow House” (an LGBTQ-themed community)

University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2009): open to all students; available in several suites and as part of “Spectrum” (an LGBTQ-themed residence hall floor)

Western New England University: (2009): available in some apartment-style housing; not open to first-year students

Wheaton College: available throughout campus; open to all students

Williams College (2011): available in double rooms; not open to first-year students (most first-year housing is singles, and trans students get priority for singles)


Albion College: available in a Gender Neutral House; open only to juniors and seniors

Central Michigan University: open to all students who identify as trans

Eastern Michigan University: available in an LGBTQ-themed community

Grand Valley State University (2012): available in suite-style housing; open to all students

Michigan State University (2012): available in apartment- and suite-style housing; not open to first-year students

Michigan Technological University: available in doubles on one residence hall floor and in apartment-style housing

University of Michigan (2006): available in residence hall rooms and apartment-style housing and in the “Gender Inclusive Living Experience”; open to all students


Augsburg College (2011)

Carleton College: generally not open to first-year students; available throughout campus

Macalester College (2005): available in a number of residence halls; open to all students

University of Minnesota, Morris: available in several residence halls and in different types of housing (apartment-style, suite-style, and first-year experience); open to all students


Kansas City Art Institute: available in doubles and triples in the Student Living Center

Washington University in St. Louis (2008): available throughout campus; open to all students


University of Nebraska, Lincoln (2015): available in a four-person suite and a two-bedroom apartment

New Hampshire

Dartmouth College (2007): open to all students; available throughout campus

Keene State College: available in two residence halls; not open to first-year students

New Jersey

Montclair State University (2002): available in “Stonewall Suites” (LGBTQ-themed community)

Princeton University (2010): not open to first-year students

Ramapo College (2009): open to all students; available in suite-style apartments

Rutgers University (2011): available in a residence hall on each of the three campuses

Stockton University: available in doubles and triples for first-year students and apartment-style housing for upper-class students

William Paterson University: available in two halls; not open to first-year students

New York

Bard College (2010): open to all students

Barnard College: offered through Columbia University; available in suites in a number of residence halls; not open to first-year students

Binghamton University: available in rooms, suites, and apartments in each residential area; open to all students

Colgate University (2013): available in rooms, suites, apartments, townhouses, and houses throughout campus; open to all students

Columbia University (2010): available in suites in a number of residence halls; not open to first-year students

Cornell University (2012): available in a number of residence halls; open to all students

Hamilton College: available throughout campus; open to all students

Hofstra University (2012): available in one suite-style residence hall; individuals within the same room of a suite must be of the same gender; not open to first-year students

Ithaca College (2008): have a special trans student housing process and an LGBTQ living/learning community, in addition to gender-inclusive housing; open to all students

Marymount Manhattan College (2010): not open to first-year students; available in apartment-style housing

New York University (2007): open to all students; available throughout campus

Pace University (2012): available in three residence halls; requires interview process; open to all students

Pratt Institute: available in an apartment-style hall; open to all students

Rochester Institute of Technology: available in all residence halls for upper-class students; a gender-inclusive floor is available for incoming students

Sarah Lawrence College (2004): generally not open to first-year students; available in rooms, suites, and apartments

Skidmore College: can house up to twelve students in suites

Stony Brook University: available in some suites and apartment-style housing; open to all students

SUNY Albany: open to all students; available in several residence halls

SUNY Cortland: available in several suites and apartments; not open to first-year students

SUNY Geneseo (2009): available in a hall that consists of suites; open to all students

SUNY Purchase (2011): available in four-person apartments; only open to students who are at least 21 years old or have a minimum of 36 completed credits

Syracuse University (2010): available in suites and apartments; not open to first-year students

University at Buffalo (2012): available in two floors of one residence hall and in some apartment-style housing; open to all students

Vassar College: available throughout campus; not open to first-year students

North Carolina

Duke University (2013): available in a number of residence halls; not open to first-year students

Guilford College: available in apartment-style housing; not open to first-year students

Warren Wilson College: generally not open to first-year students; available throughout campus


Bowling Green State University (2013): available in one residence hall

College of Wooster: open to all students

Columbus College of Art and Design: generally not open to first-year students; available in an apartment-style hall

Kent State University: open to all students; priority given to trans students

Kenyon College (2011): available throughout campus; not open to first-year students

Miami University (2010): available in two four-person suites and one four-person apartment; not open to first-year students

Oberlin College (2004): available throughout campus; open to all students

Ohio State University, Columbus (2014): available in two-bedroom apartments, with two students sharing each room; open to returning students and first-year students who identify as trans

Ohio University (2011): available in one residence hall; open to all students

University of Cincinnati: available in a suite-style hall

University of Toledo (2013): available in a suite-style residence hall; not open to first-year students

Wright State University (2011): available in four-person apartments; not open to first-year students


Lewis and Clark College (2005): available in double rooms that are not on “single sex” floors; open to all students

Oregon State University (2007): available in one apartment-style hall; open to all students

Reed College: available throughout campus; generally not open to first-year students

Southern Oregon University (2009): available on one residence hall floor; open to all students

University of Oregon (2009): available in a centrally located building (with gender-inclusive bathrooms/showers on the floors); in a building with suites; open to all students

Willamette University (2008): available in apartment- and suite-style housing


Allegheny College: available in a hall with 15 single rooms and shared restrooms, lounge, and kitchen

Bloomsburg University (2015): available on a floor of one hall

Bucknell University: available in Galloway House, also known as “Fran’s House”

Carnegie Mellon University (2007): available in several apartment-style halls; not open to first-year students

Dickinson College (2013): open to all students; available throughout campus

Edinboro University: generally not open to first-year students

Elizabethtown College (2015): two floors of a hall (one of which is an LGBTQ living-learning community)

Gettysburg College: open to all students; available throughout campus

Haverford College: available in rooms, suites, and apartments; not open to first-year students

Indiana University of Pennsylvania: available in two and four person suites; not open to first-year students

Juniata College (2011): available in a number of residence halls; open to all students

Lafayette College: available in several halls with suites and apartments; not open to first-year students

Lehigh University (2010): available in one residence hall; not open to first-year students

Mansfield University (2015): available in several halls; not open to first-year students

Muhlenberg College: available in all upper-class housing; not open to first-year students

Pennsylvania State University: open to all students

Swarthmore College (2001): available throughout campus; not open to first-year students

University of Pennsylvania (2005): available throughout campus; not open to first-year students

Rhode Island

Brown University (2008): available throughout campus; not open to first-year students

Johnson and Wales University: available in several residence halls; open to all students

Rhode Island College (2014): available in the Gender Inclusive Housing Living-Learning Community; not open to first-year students

Roger Williams University: available throughout campus; not open to first-year students


Vanderbilt University: available in two living learning communities


Rice University (2012): available in all residential colleges; not open to first-year students


University of Utah (2013): available in “Alliance House” (a social justice community)


Bennington College

Middlebury College (2011): available in double rooms; not open to first-year students

University of Vermont (2009): available in several residence halls and as part of the “LGBTQA Collaborative” and the “Rainbow Cottages” (LGBTQ-themed communities); open to all students


George Mason University: a group of four or six students may sign up for a suite under Flexible Housing; not open to first-year students

University of Mary Washington: available in double rooms in one hall; not open to first-year students

Virginia Tech (2015): offered in two residence halls; open to all students over 18 years old


Evergreen State College: offered in “Rainbow Fort” (an LGBTQ-themed apartment-style hall)

Pacific Lutheran University (2012): available in an apartment-style hall; gender-inclusive bathrooms available in two other halls

University of Washington: available in three residence halls; open to all students

Washington State University: available in 3-5 double rooms in one residence hall; open to all students

Western Washington University: available in one housing cluster; open to upper-class students, but first-year students may request an exception

Whitman College: any returning student can live with a person of their choice; gender-inclusive bathrooms are available in most residence halls; not open to first-year students

Washington, DC

American University (2008): upper-class students have several gender-inclusive housing options; available for first-year students as part of the “Social Justice Living Learning Community”

George Washington University (2010): available throughout campus; open to all students


Beloit College: not open to first-year students; available in several residence halls

Lawrence University (2006): available in two residence halls; open to all students

University of Wisconsin, Green Bay: available in the “Safe and Inclusive Living” Program; open to all students

University of Wisconsin, La Crosse (2013): available in suite-style housing

University of Wisconsin, Madison (2013): available in the “Open House Gender Learning Community”

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (2013): available in a suite-style residence hall

University of Wisconsin, Platteville: available in a suite-style hall

University of Wisconsin, Whitewater (2014): available in some four-person suites

Meet the Clearinghouse Coordinator

Genny Beemyn is the director of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst’s Stonewall Center, the LGBTQIA campus resource center. Genny has published and spoken extensively on the experiences and needs of trans people, particularly the lives of gender-nonconforming students. They have written or edited nine books/journal issues, including special issues of the Journal of LGBT Youth on “Trans Youth” and “Supporting Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Children and Youth” and a special issue of the Journal of Homosexuality on “LGBTQ Campus Experiences.” Genny and Sue Rankin wrote The Lives of Transgender People (Columbia University Press, 2011). Genny’s most recent book is A Queer Capital: A History of Gay Life in Washington, D.C. (Routledge, 2014). They are currently writing Campus Queer: The Experiences and Needs of LGBTQ College Students for Johns Hopkins University Press. In addition to being the coordinator of the Clearinghouse, Genny is also an editorial board member of the Journal of LGBT Youth, the Journal of Bisexuality, the Journal of Homosexuality, and the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. They have a Ph.D. in African American Studies and Master’s degrees in African American Studies, American Studies, and Higher Education Administration.
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 04:38pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Есть еще вопросы?
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 07:31pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Как здорово что в США не дискриминируют больных людей.
Если эти инвалиды не создают проблем для окружающих, пусть живут и учатся...
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 07:35pm Дед - 3159 d back

Есть еще вопросы? (Ц)
Rolling\ Eyes
Есть. ГДЕ про *етажи трансгендеров?
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:35pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Дед, ты достал, позвони в Чикагский Универ и тебе там ответят на этот вопрос: 773.702.5710

И еще - учи английский, если не знаешь, что такое Gender-Inclusive Housing

и еще научись переходить по ссылкам:

Trans* Student Life at The University of Chicago

The University of Chicago is a welcoming and supportive place for transgender and genderqueer students. In 2006, the University added gender identity into its Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment Policy, ensuring that all students, regardless of their gender identity, are "accepted as an autonomous individual and is treated without regard to characteristics irrelevant to the participation in the life of the University."
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:46pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Мокнули Деда! Он думал, что самый умный, а оказался глупым пидарком
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 09:55pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

не забывайте что есть метамфетамин и кокаин, первый так вообще сносит крышу в плане секса и извращений. в сан франциско неспроста проходят гей парады и вообще гей столица - там огромный рынок мета
Чт, Сен 3, 2015 11:15pm [Аноним] - 3159 d back

Деда-свидораса двуного, макнули епплищем в гавно...
Столько доказательств в жизни не видел..
Пт, Сен 4, 2015 07:13am Дед - 3158 d back

И еще - учи английский, если не знаешь, что такое Gender-Inclusive Housing (ц)
Так значит ето я не знаю англиский......Ок. Гуглим што же ето такое

Gender Inclusive Housing means that anyone can choose to live in a room or suite with anyone else. Students can choose to live with each other without restriction based on gender identification. This program allows friends of varying genders to be assigned to the same room or suite.

А где же там Што нибудь про трансгендер? Ась знаток англисскава? Rolling\ Eyes
Пт, Сен 4, 2015 09:50pm [Аноним] - 3158 d back

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